ADIS – A milestone

In an increasingly digitalised world, it is crucial that no one is left behind. For this reason, the Alliance for Digital Inclusion Switzerland (ADIS) was launched on 21 November 2024. In this blog post, you can find out what goal the Alliance is pursuing and what contribution the "Access for All" foundation is making.
Six elegantly dressed people on a stage, behind them a display of the logos of the ADIS founding members

What is the ADIS?

ADIS stands for “Allianz Digitale Inklusion Schweiz“. It brings together various organisations that are active in the field of digital inclusion. This creates a network of expertise that enables close collaboration. With the ADIS, the organisations have a joint voice to advocate for the topic.

Why is this alliance needed?

Digitalisation is constantly increasing. For some sections of society, this is associated with major challenges. Digital exclusion is emerging, which affects the following groups, among others:

  • People with a disability
  • Elderly people
  • People with poor writing and reading skills
  • People in difficult life situations

The mission of the ADIS is to break down digital barriers and create an inclusive digital future for all. Many organisations are working towards this goal in various ways. So far, however, there has been little networking between these organisations. As a result, the impact of their measures is not as pronounced as it could or should be. The ADIS wants to bring together the expertise of its members to bring about positive change.

What is the contribution of “Access for All”?

As a founding member of the ADIS, the “Access for All” foundation contributes its expertise in the areas of networking, analysis, framework conditions, orientation and information. It promotes dialogue through specialist groups and events, conducts studies on digital accessibility and develops tools such as the Continuous Compliance Monitor (CCM). It also supports the implementation and monitoring of accessibility through quality standards, legal recommendations, training and individual counselling. With publications, checklists and public relations work, it also raises awareness of the importance of digital inclusion and offers practice-orientated resources.

With the creation of the Alliance for Digital Inclusion Switzerland (ADIS), we are breaking new ground together in order to consistently break down digital barriers. This collaboration enables us to develop innovative solutions and sustainably promote digital participation for all people in Switzerland.

Markus Böni

What will happen next?

For the alliance to be fully effective, the commitment of the individual member organisations is needed. The joint resources will be used to bundle existing activities and promote new ones.

The first step will be to define specialist groups that will be led by the member organisations. Cooperation and the exchange of knowledge should be promoted within these specialist groups and beyond. The ADIS is currently working on various proposals to define the next steps.

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