In addition to our service packages from ad-hoc testing to certification, we also offer individual consulting.
In our work, we follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG – the standard for digital accessibility. Nevertheless, there are no standard solutions for web accessibility. The various conditions in a digital project are too diverse.
In more than 20 years we have not only been allowed to accompany numerous website and app projects on the way to more accessibility, but also contributed our expert knowledge to other projects. A few examples: We advised on the implementation of accessible ATMs or researched together with ETH on a white cane for the blind with haptic feedback. For more information on past and current projects, see “Innovation”.
Through our involvement in projects of all kinds, we bring the experience and expertise to support you in your project as well. If you have not found what you are looking for in our service packages, we are also available for individual consultation.
Tell us more about your project, idea or vision.

Contact us
Contact us by phone at +41 44 515 54 20, by email at, or via contact form.