2020 Accessibility Study

Due to the strong boom in e-commerce, the 2020 Swiss accessibility study focuses on the accessibility of online stores and makes a disillusioning discovery: 1.7 million people with a disability encounter partially unmanageable barriers when shopping on the web and are thus excluded from online shopping.

Inaccessible offers make it impossible for 20% of the population in Switzerland to participate equally in the digital space. There is an urgent need for action and online retailers are called upon to remove these barriers.

Obtaining the study

The Swiss accessibility study on online stores (publication date: November 2020) is available for free download as an accessible PDF (108 pages) in German and French. To order a printed copy, please contact our office.


With the kind support of

Hauptsponsoren: Eidg. Büro für die Gleichstellung von Menschen mit Behinderungen EBGB, Schweizerische Post, Schweizerische Bundesbahnen SBB. Weitere Sponsoren: Hasler Stiftung, Informatiksteuerungsorgan des Bundes ISB, Stadt Zürich Fachstelle für Behinderung/Sozialdepartement, Gönnerverein Stiftung Zugang für alle